Black King🖤
"Allow me to do it one time for the black Kings..."
Yes black king, love does still exist
So no, you don't have to merely think with your dick
Not to be too explicit, I apologize
But I want you to know that it's okay to harmonize
To get butterflies and realize
To equalize and compromise
And be hypnotized by this thing called love
"No distractions" is what you live by
You think there's no one out there worthy of hearing your battlecry
You say you can do it all on your own
I mean you can, but for once let someone else take a stand
Allow them in
Open your door, don't be afraid to show her your core.
Show her the ride she's in for... that, and much more
Now listen to what i'm saying and stop horse-playing
Because the idea of love might be decaying in-front of your very eyes
You don't need it is what you'll say
You're too young for it is your excuse everyday
And hey, if that's what floats your boat then my brotha float it the other way
Because I am in a groove, i am not too cool to make it do what it do and say "black king... I want affection from you"
Yes black king, love does still exist
So no, you don't have to merely think with your dick
Not to be too explicit, I apologize
But I want you to know that it's okay to harmonize
To get butterflies and realize
To equalize and compromise
And be hypnotized by this thing called love
"No distractions" is what you live by
You think there's no one out there worthy of hearing your battlecry
You say you can do it all on your own
I mean you can, but for once let someone else take a stand
Allow them in
Open your door, don't be afraid to show her your core.
Show her the ride she's in for... that, and much more

Because the idea of love might be decaying in-front of your very eyes
You don't need it is what you'll say
You're too young for it is your excuse everyday
And hey, if that's what floats your boat then my brotha float it the other way
Because I am in a groove, i am not too cool to make it do what it do and say "black king... I want affection from you"
Mind blowing!!!!