"The road that leads somewhere"
Picture this:
During this new season of change, don't be afraid to let go of the things you're comfortable and familiar with. This includes the people you surround yourself with who don’t show support for this metamorphosis phase they are about to witness from you. In this case, I call it a metamorphosis phase because yes you are morphing, yes you are shedding, and yes you are adjusting to a new state. You are becoming a whole new person and I don't think anyone is ready for it.
Task of the day: “Ban the feeling of comfort”
Being comfortable means you have your mind set on the fact that you don't need or want change- a way of thinking that's more likely to hinder you from blessings than help you be open to receive them. Think of it this way, when you are comfortable in bed, you're not thinking of other ways you can lay... why? Because you've already grew accustomed to the position you're in. This is no different than your behavior in reality. You're so used to things going wrong that you’ve become "unbothered" as you say, or content with the way things are going. Or you’re so used to things going good that you forget if you push yourself more things could be going even better. As for the people around you, notice how they hate change when it's you who's changing, but loves it when it’s change concerning them. They were once comfortable knowing you're comfortable, they were once happy knowing you haven't reached your full potential happiness yet...but now it's time to step out of that comfort zone, shake that coziness off, and show them the new you.
-Happy New Year everyone, and thanks for reading
Sincerely, Tia
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